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College Archives: Find Material

Finding Material

The resources in the College Archives are organized generally by whichever office generated that material (or is associated with it).  Its organization is similar (but not identical) to the College's overall organization--after all, offices and departments change their names over time.


First, material is broken into record groups according to the office associated with it. 


Administrative stuff (official reports, minutes, budgets, resolutions, plans, research, correspondence) can be found in the record groups for Board of Trustees, President's Office, Shared Governance, Marketing, and Finance.

Teaching and learning (faculty and curriculum minutes, syllabi, faculty handbooks) is concentrated in the Academic Affairs record group, although it is spread through all of the others as well.

Daily life at the College (newspapers, photographs, organizations, programs, videos) can be found in the record groups for Student Development, Ceremonies & Celebrations, A/V, and Cultural Events & Performing Arts.


Those record groups are then broken into series by topic or material format, and may be subdivided.